And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
Yet how much less it were to gain,
Though thou hast left me free,
The loveliest things that still remain,
Than thus remember thee!
The all of thine that cannot die
Through dark and dread Eternity
Returns again to me,
And more thy buried love endears
Than aught except its living years.
Though thou hast left me free,
The loveliest things that still remain,
Than thus remember thee!
The all of thine that cannot die
Through dark and dread Eternity
Returns again to me,
And more thy buried love endears
Than aught except its living years.
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
As once I wept, if I could weep,
My tears might well be shed,
To think I was not near to keep
One vigil o'er thy bed;
To gaze, how fondly! on thy face,
To fold thee in a faint embrace,
Uphold thy drooping head;
And show that love, however vain,
Nor thou nor I can feel again.
My tears might well be shed,
To think I was not near to keep
One vigil o'er thy bed;
To gaze, how fondly! on thy face,
To fold thee in a faint embrace,
Uphold thy drooping head;
And show that love, however vain,
Nor thou nor I can feel again.
notas para pseudónimo em forma de lista de compras
não esquecer:
de fechar os olhos antes de adormecer
a cegueira teima em atacar as negras noites
não esquecer:
de dormir acordada
os sonhos são cantos envenenados onde perecemos
trazer sempre no bolso
uma lâmina bem afiada
pois nunca se sabe quando o espelho se parte
perguntar sempre
quanto de mim se fecha num nome
que não sendo meu, sempre me coube
abandonar, tentar esquecer
a graça do batismo
que nos leva pela vida que se vai desfazendo
a dormir com os fantasmas
mortos no ventre

não esquecer:
de fechar os olhos antes de adormecer
a cegueira teima em atacar as negras noites
não esquecer:
de dormir acordada
os sonhos são cantos envenenados onde perecemos
trazer sempre no bolso
uma lâmina bem afiada
pois nunca se sabe quando o espelho se parte
perguntar sempre
quanto de mim se fecha num nome
que não sendo meu, sempre me coube
abandonar, tentar esquecer
a graça do batismo
que nos leva pela vida que se vai desfazendo
a dormir com os fantasmas
mortos no ventre
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
I know not if I could have borne
To see thy beauties fade;
The night that follow'd such a morn
Had worn a deeper shade:
Thy day without a cloud hath pass'd,
And thou wert lovely to the last,
Extinguish'd, not decay'd;
As stars that shoot along the sky
Shine brightest as they fall from high.
To see thy beauties fade;
The night that follow'd such a morn
Had worn a deeper shade:
Thy day without a cloud hath pass'd,
And thou wert lovely to the last,
Extinguish'd, not decay'd;
As stars that shoot along the sky
Shine brightest as they fall from high.
Performing Acts on Photography
///// O núcleo de EXPOSIÇÕES da Conflito Estético – Associação Cultural está presente na exposição que decorre até ao próximo dia 26 de Agosto no UAVM – Unknown Artist Virtual Museum. Em sua representação, estarão patentes os trabalhos fotográficos de Pedro Polónio, numa série de registos fotográficos subordinados ao tema “Performing Acts on Photography”. Esta é uma mostra de fotografia centrada na relação entre as novas tecnologias, a arte e o corpo. Pretende-se apresentar um conjunto de trabalhos que tenham como centro o registo de performances (artísticas ou não), o corpo nas suas mais variadas acepções e poses culturais, o registo de manifestações/acções, trabalhos que tenham como mote ou centro, o corpo, o(s) seu(s) movimento(s), desejos, angústias, quer sob a forma de vídeo arte, vídeo-performances, fotografia ou Web arte. Temos o prazer de o(a) convidar a visitar. ///// Mais infos. em >>> http://www.uavm.net/

aqui uma das fotos em exposição

aqui uma das fotos em exposição
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
The flower in ripen'd bloom unmatch'd
Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely snatch'd,
The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
Than see it pluck'd to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair.
Must fall the earliest prey;
Though by no hand untimely snatch'd,
The leaves must drop away:
And yet it were a greater grief
To watch it withering, leaf by leaf,
Than see it pluck'd to-day;
Since earthly eye but ill can bear
To trace the change to foul from fair.
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
The better days of life were ours;
The worst can be but mine:
The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers,
Shall never more be thine.
The silence of that dreamless sleep
I envy now too much to weep;
Nor need I to repine
That all those charms have pass'd away,
I might have watch'd through long decay.
The worst can be but mine:
The sun that cheers, the storm that lowers,
Shall never more be thine.
The silence of that dreamless sleep
I envy now too much to weep;
Nor need I to repine
That all those charms have pass'd away,
I might have watch'd through long decay.
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
Yet did I love thee to the last
As fervently as thou,
Who didst not change through all the past,
And canst not alter now.
The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
Nor falsehood disavow:
And, what were worse, thou canst not see
Or wrong, or change, or fault in me.
As fervently as thou,
Who didst not change through all the past,
And canst not alter now.
The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
Nor falsehood disavow:
And, what were worse, thou canst not see
Or wrong, or change, or fault in me.
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
I will not ask where thou liest low,
Nor gaze upon the spot;
There flowers or weeds at will may grow,
So I behold them not:
It is enough for me to prove
That what I lov'd, and long must love,
Like common earth can rot;
To me there needs no stone to tell,
'T is Nothing that I lov'd so well.
Nor gaze upon the spot;
There flowers or weeds at will may grow,
So I behold them not:
It is enough for me to prove
That what I lov'd, and long must love,
Like common earth can rot;
To me there needs no stone to tell,
'T is Nothing that I lov'd so well.
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